Pagu - Live @ The Handlebar - Pensacola, FL

Pagu plays a show at The Handlebar in Pensacola, FL on 1/20/2023. The genre defying Pagu is an indie electronic, dream pop, electronic pop, electronic dance band from Pensacola, FL. Pagu's sound is so blended, that it's hard to nail Pagu down to one genre. If you want to have a fun, care-free day, this is your jam!

During this set, Pagu dislocates his knee during the song, "Life Interlude". Pagu decides to continue the show with the injury and sits at the front of the stage with the audience to create a more intimate atmosphere.

Pagu Band Members at the Time of Recording

Vocals & Synths - Pagu

Guitar - Christian Funk

Drums - Noah Townsend

Show Lineup Starting with Headliner

Pagu (Pensacola, FL)

Jumping the Gun (Pensacola, FL)

After the Storm (Pensacola, FL)

Nervous Pulp (Pensacola, FL)

Show Flyer Design


Multi-Genre • Recording live music from the Gulf Coast, focusing on the DIY/underground music scene in Pensacola, FL, and neighboring areas in Northwest Florida.


The Sound That Ends Creation - Live @ Easy Going Gallery - Pensacola, FL


Jumping the Gun - Live @ The Handlebar - Pensacola, FL